A few days ago, we found this bay stallion with his two mares just over the Colorado border on Missouri Creek near Dragon, Utah, an old gilsonite mining ghost town. As we stopped to watch them, he nervously paced back and forth protecting the mares that had trotted away when we pulled up. I was impressed by his defiance of the threat and his willingness to protect his own.

His beautiful bay coat is covered in dry mud which I'm sure was a cool roll in a recent rain slicked earth. The black mane and overall conformation makes me think he's descended from a fine Morgan line.
I wonder if we look out for those we love as well as this amazing stallion does his small harem. Are we willing to stand up to forces we do not recognize or understand? Do we overcome our own fears to watch over those who rely upon us? What can we learn from the Stallion of Missouri Creek?