I love Orson Scott Card’s books. My first and still all time favorite is Ender’s Game.
If you’re not a fan, go read the book anyway. If you are, you already know what I’m talking about. The iPad is Ender’s desk, or perhaps its precursor.
Here’s a composite I just made thinking of this concept. One image from Apple and the other from a very innovative early childhood education software company called Imagine Learning.
I’ve never wanted to own an Apple produce product (slip of the finger, but an apple is a fruit after all) or develop software for it until now.
When I think of the amazing ways that educational content and interactivity could be delivered to students using this device, I get very excited. And I imagine a very smart kid hacking the device and sending rude messages to another student. That makes me more excited for the future of technology than anything I’ve seen lately.