ASP.NET MVC Custom Authorize Attribute with Roles Parser

Do you ever get frustrated with the limited nature of the ASP.NET MVC AuthorizeAttribute class’s limited Roles property which provides only a simple comma delimited list and creates a simple OR list? Would you like to be able to exclude specific roles or have a more complex expression such as:

!Guest & ((Admin | Supervisor) | (Lead & Weekend Supervisor))

Well, now you can. All thanks to the random convergence of great minds! (Or perhaps the obsessions of two code monkeys who have no life. You decide.)

While working on a project for a future blog post, I discussed the code with Nick Muhonen of Useable Concepts and MSDN author who offered to write a parser for an authorization strategy in the project that uses attributes similar to the ASP.NET MVC AuthorizeAttribute class.

Nick showed me the parser yesterday and after I agreed to say that I liked the code, he sent it to me with his blessing to use in my blog post project I’ve been working on. As I began to work the code into my project, I realized that this code deserved its own post as a descendant of the real ASP.NET MVC AuthorizeAttribute class for general use in the ASP.NET MVC world. I’m still planning to use the same parser for my future post, but here it is for your general use in your ASP.NET MVC projects.

The power starts in the return value of the RoleParser’s Parse method, the IRule:

public interface IRule
  bool Evaluate(Func<string, bool> matcher);
  string ShowRule(int pad);

Here’s the simple, but powerful SuperAuthorizeAttribute class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using SuperMvc.RoleRules;

namespace SuperMvc
  public class SuperAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    private string _superRoles;
    private IRule _superRule;

    public string SuperRoles
        return _superRoles ?? String.Empty;
        _superRoles = value;
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_superRoles))
          RoleParser parser = new RoleParser();
          _superRule = parser.Parse(_superRoles);

    public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
      if (_superRule != null)
        var result = _superRule.Evaluate(role => filterContext.HttpContext.User.IsInRole(role));
        if (!result)
          filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();

You’ll note that the setter on SuperRoles creates a parser instance and generates an IRule for later use in the OnAuthorization override. This allows us to parse once and run many times, making the evaluation even faster.

I’m not going to dive into how the parser works. I’ll let Nick blog about that. The great thing is that it does work and it’s very fast. Here’s how it’s put to use. First a look at the controller code on which we test it and a peek at one or two of the test methods. The HomeController has been modified with some test actions:

//partial listing

public class HomeController : Controller
  [SuperAuthorize(SuperRoles = "!Guest")]
  public ActionResult AboutTestOne()
    return RedirectToAction("About");

  [SuperAuthorize(SuperRoles = "Admin & Local Office | Local Office Admin")]
  public ActionResult AboutTestFive()
    return RedirectToAction("About");

  [SuperAuthorize(SuperRoles = "!Guest & !(SuperUser | DaemonUser) & ((Admin & Local Office | Local Office Admin) & !User)")]
  public ActionResult AboutCrazyTwo()
    return RedirectToAction("About");

  public ActionResult About()
    return View();

And here’s the tests, including some crucial initialization logic, that allows us to verify the attribute works.

public class HomeControllerTest
  public void Initialize()
    string[] roles =
         "Local Office"
    HttpContextHelper.SetCurrentContext(new FakePrincipal("Fake", "testuser", true, roles));

  //[SuperAuthorize(SuperRoles = "!Guest")]
  //public ActionResult AboutTestOne()
  public void AboutTestOne()
    // Arrange
    ControllerContext context;
    var invoker = GetInvoker<RedirectToRouteResult>(out context);

    // Act
    var invokeResult = invoker.InvokeAction(context, "AboutTestOne");

    // Assert

  //[SuperAuthorize(SuperRoles = "Admin & Local Office | Local Office Admin")]
  //public ActionResult AboutTestFive()
  public void AboutTestFive()
    // Arrange
    ControllerContext context;
    var invoker = GetInvoker<RedirectToRouteResult>(out context);

    // Act
    var invokeResult = invoker.InvokeAction(context, "AboutTestFive");

    // Assert

  //[SuperAuthorize(SuperRoles = "!Guest & !(SuperUser | DaemonUser) & ((Admin & Local Office | Local Office Admin) & !User)")]
  //public ActionResult AboutCrazyTwo()
  public void AboutCrazyTwo()
    // Arrange
    ControllerContext context;
    var invoker = GetInvoker<HttpUnauthorizedResult>(out context);

    // Act
    var invokeResult = invoker.InvokeAction(context, "AboutCrazyTwo");

    // Assert

  private FakeControllerActionInvoker<TExpectedResult> GetInvoker<TExpectedResult>(out ControllerContext context) where TExpectedResult : ActionResult
    HomeController controller = new HomeController();
    var httpContext = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
    context = new ControllerContext(httpContext, new RouteData(), controller);
    controller.ControllerContext = context;
    var invoker = new FakeControllerActionInvoker<TExpectedResult>();
    return invoker;

All you have to do is download the code and plug in the SuperMvc project into your ASP.NET MVC web project and you too can have the power of parsed roles at your authorization attribute finger tips. Let me know if you like it or find an even better way to accomplish the same things. (281.93 KB)