C# Basics: Beware of Catch (Exception e)

In this third installment of C# Basics, let's take a look at exception handling. It is one the easiest things to do poorly in an application. In C# you can capture an error and do something with it as easily as this:

  //do something that may raise an exception
catch (Exception e)
  //do something with e--log it, modify a return value, etc.
  //if you want the caller of your code to have a crack at the same exception
  throw; //raise the exception again with throw; (almost NEVER throw e;)

But do try your best to NEVER catch the base Exception class. Be more specific, especially where you have to do something specific with a particular type of exception and allows others to rise up the call stack. Here’s just one example of being a bit more specific:

  //call a service that reads data from SQL Server
catch (SqlException se)
  if (se.Message.Contains("Timeout"))
    //send a timeout log message to the DBA service
  throw; //raise it up the stack to be handled by the caller

Of course, you can and ought to handle different exceptions differently where required. Here’s a brief example:

  //call a service that reads data from SQL Server
  //call another service that writes to a file
catch (SqlException se)
  if (se.Message.Contains("Timeout"))
    //send a timeout log message to the DBA service
  throw; //raise it up the stack to be handled by the caller
catch (IOException iox)
  //special handling or logging of IO exceptions
catch (Exception e)
  //log a general exception and rethrow

And don’t forget, you can create your own specialized exception classes. In fact, with Visual Studio you can use the code snippet for Exception. Just put your cursor in a C# file, outside of a class declaration, and start typing Exception and when you see the Intellisense prompt just hit TAB TAB. And you will have the following:

public class MyException : Exception
	public MyException() { }
	public MyException(string message) : base(message) { }
	public MyException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
	protected MyException(
	 System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
	 System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)
		: base(info, context) { }

Flesh out your own custom exception and raise and catch it just like a pro.

public void ShowExample(int count)
  if (count < 0) throw new MyException("Count cannot be less than zero.");
  // . . .

public void CallExample()
  catch (MyException me)

Of course, in the above example, you would more likely want to just throw a new ArgumentException. There is a very long list of commonly used exception classes in the .NET base class libraries. Spend some time on MSDN and get familiar with them. Here’s a brief but incomplete list of common exception classes you may want to catch or throw and then catch.

  • System.ArgumentException  
  • System.ArgumentNullException  
  • System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException  
  • System.ArithmeticException  
  • System.DivideByZeroException  
  • System.FormatException  
  • System.IndexOutOfRangeException  
  • System.InvalidOperationException  
  • System.IO.IOException  
  • System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException  
  • System.IO.EndOfStreamException  
  • System.IO.FileLoadException  
  • System.IO.FileNotFoundException  
  • System.IO.PathTooLongException  
  • System.NotImplementedException  
  • System.NotSupportedException  
  • System.NullReferenceException  
  • System.OutOfMemoryException  
  • System.Security.SecurityException  
  • System.Security.VerificationException  
  • System.StackOverflowException  
  • System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException  
  • System.Threading.ThreadAbortException  
  • System.Threading.ThreadStateException  
  • System.TypeInitializationException  
  • System.UnauthorizedAccessException